Nursery Chicks

Do not fear everyone, our Site Manager Justine has been in school during the snow so she can take care of the chicks in our Nursery. Check out this time lapse video of one of them hatching on Wednesday!


Fran Poelman - Chair of Governors - Amazing that those chicks have been growing inside the eggs and then know how to get themselves out! Seemed like the first chick couldn't wait to have a friend. Thanks Justine for helping us see this incredible moment.

Kerry Swainston - Scarlet has been telling me all about the chicks and she is so excited about them. She told me all about how they will hatch before the school had to close. I think it’s great

Mrs Saveall - This is fantastic, thanks Justine for capturing the moment the eggs hatched.

Joanna - Amelia coudn't wait to see hatchlings. Thank you Justine for this video and for taking care of the chicks.

Thalia - Well done Justine!! Michael is very happy to see they’re ok. Great vid!

Katrina - They're so cute! :))))

Ms Morgan - How amazing to still be able to see our eggs hatching. Remember our chicks will be with us all next week to so plenty of fluffy fun to be had with them. Huge thanks to Justine for being there to keep our eggs/chicks safe and sound.

Haniya - Thanks Justine!

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