
Applications for September places

All applications for September Reception admissions to Lawford Mead Primary & Nursery School are dealt with through the School Admissions team at Essex County Council (0345 603 2200).

Currently we are a 2-form intake school (420 places in Reception to Year 6).

Please see the criteria for applications in the Admissions Policy.

General admissions information

The Local Authority co-ordinates the school's applications for the normal admissions round and again, further information can be found on their website.

Applications for Mid-Year places

Since April 1st 2022, the Local Authority no longer manages mid-year admissions for Academies and therefore, all applications for places, during the academic year, will need to be submitted directly to us, using the Mid-Year Application form below and returned to

Mid-year applications (sometimes called in-year applications) are any application for a school place made to a year group, apart from September admissions to Reception. For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the admission number for that year group.

Please note: if a mid-year application is received during a school holiday period, we will respond as soon as possible when the school reopens.

Mid-Year Admissions Form

Mid-Year Application Process Flowchart

Admission Appeals

Should you wish to appeal against the decision if your child is refused a place at our school at any time, you should initially contact Essex Admissions. Further guidance can be found on their website.
