Lawford Mead Nursery

Our Nursery provides children aged 3-4 with important developmental experiences that will help prepare them for full time education in Reception. The Nursery is led by a qualified teacher who is assisted by a qualified nursery nurse (Level 3) and a nursery apprentice.

We offer 15 hours a week as 5 daily (3 hour) sessions, either mornings or afternoons. Morning sessions (8:45-11:45am) are for children starting Reception the following year and afternoon sessions (12:30-3:30pm) are for children who have recently turned 3 years old.

You can add your child’s name to our waiting list at any time and we will contact you just before their 3rd birthday to organise a home visit and begin the application process. Please contact the school office to find out more, apply or add your child to the waiting list. You can also download the booklet below for more information about our Nursery provision.

"Absolutely fantastic nursery! Since my daughter started in 2017, her confidence has improved significantly. She has a better relationship with other children and also adults. The staff are lovely and very welcoming."

Nursery Highlights