
Lawford Mead Primary School Positive Behaviour Management System

Our school has an embedded system for encouraging positive behaviour. Our system is designed to motivate pupils and help them all learn to their full potential. It is based on our school values of PASSION, INTEGRITY, RESPECT, ASPIRATION and RESILIENCE.


We use the exciting ‘Class Dojo’ app and website, which allows children to earn ‘Dojo’ points for demonstrating our school values. These points are collected throughout the week and once children reach set milestones, they are rewarded with certificates. The points also contribute to school house team totals (Foxes, Squirrels, Badgers and Hedgehogs) and the winning team is announced in our weekly celebration assembly. Teachers also award whole class points, which are collected throughout the term and go towards an end of term class treat.  For support with behaviour at home, we recommend parents consider Class Dojo as consistency between school and home can have a positive impact on children.


Children who demonstrate behaviour which creates a barrier to learning and is contrary to our values is managed by our new sanctions system.

  • Verbal warnings are initially given for negative behaviour and children are invited to engage with learning appropriately.
  • A ‘yellow card’ means behaviour has not improved and children require a 5 minute ‘time out’ within class.
  • A 2nd yellow card results in a 5 minute time out within another classroom.  Children are asked to reflect on their choices and always warmly invited back into the lesson.
  • A red card requires involvement from the Senior Leadership Team and parents if behaviour continues or is of a more serious nature.

Please ask your teacher or contact the school office if you have any questions.  More information can be found in our Behaviour Policy.

Year 6 members of School Council presenting the findings from their Pupil Behaviour Survey in assembly.

Year 6 members of the school council present the findings from their pupil perception survey on behaviour.