Local Curriculum and Standards Committee

Thank you for your interest in finding out about governance at Lawford Mead Primary & Nursery School.

We are a diverse group of individuals who are staff, parents, trustees from the Brickfields Multi Academy Trust (to which the school belongs) and representatives from the community. Together we form the Local Curriculum and Standards Committee.

The aim of the Local Curriculum and Standards Committee is to work alongside the school to support continuous improvement and ensure all children who attend the school can have the best possible start in life. Many of us either have children at the school or have had children attend Lawford Mead Primary School. We are therefore passionate to see the school become the best it can be for the benefit of the children and wider community.

As a Local Curriculum and Standards Committee, we formally meet at a least three times a year. Our role is not to manage the day-to-day running of the school but rather to both support and provide constructive challenge to the Head of School in a way that promotes improvement. Modelling the school values is as much relevant to us as it is the staff and children.

It is important that we ensure positive outcomes are being achieved for all children in the school and therefore part of our role is to review how the school is doing on key areas such as behaviour management, pupil progress and provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities. Each governor recognises the importance of child welfare and keeping children safe. This therefore remains an important priority for the Local Curriculum and Standards Committee.

Committee member monitoring visits are a vital part of our role and this gives us an opportunity to speak to teaching and non-teaching staff and children. It also enables us to monitor whether the commitments in the School Improvement Plan (the annual plan used by the school to set priorities for improvement) are being delivered. Individual committee members take a lead on different areas across both curriculum and year groups to maintain a detailed, whole school focus.

It is key that we maintain a close connection both with parents, carers and with the wider community. Our role is to ensure that parent and carers’ aspirations for high quality teaching and support for children who attend Lawford Mead are being delivered. We therefore remain committed to engage and communicate with parents and carers throughout the year.

Committee members are committed to working together – with the school, with parents/carers and with the community in helping Lawford Mead Primary School be the best it can be for the benefit of the children.

If you are interested in either becoming a committee member or finding out more about what we do please feel free to contact us.

Andrew Montague 
Committee Chair 

Local Governing Committee (LGC) Members

Andrew Montague – Chair Trustee
Laura Cope Staff Committee Member
Jane Kirby Staff Committee Member
Nicholas Emery MAT Committee Member
Rachel Hyde MAT Committee Member
Kirsty Pearce Parent Committee Member
Chris Jackson MAT Committee Member
Matthew Poyton Head of School

If you have any questions or matters you wish to raise with the Local Curriculum and Standards Committee, please contact Andrew Montague (Chair) via the school.

Governance Secure Area

Declarations of Interest and Attendance